Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Airplane ride with the girls

I am lucky enough to have gotten another weekend away with my oldest girlfriends. The ones from childhood. We don't all share daily life together anymore, but when we get together, it's like time hasn't passed. The same things are funny. The same stories are told. We can do anything, say anything, look any way... and it doesn't matter. When you have history like this you are already known. We are understood and accepted even though we are all so different. This weekend was perfect, just like all the other weekends. A good mix of deeper conversations and catching up with a lot of laughing, teasing, relaxing, and being out on the town. Alissa hosted us at her home in Concord and she is amazing. This is her gift. Hospitality, cooking, serving, etc. She is so relaxed and her home is beautiful and cozy. Her husband, Tim, took their 3 girls to his parents in Napa for the weekend, giving us the whole house to ourselves. As sweet and thoughtful as it sounds (and is), he really was just escaping the seven of us together. We know the truth.
Other things we did? A photoshoot...
Makeup for our night out (yes, J is dancing in the background. Because it's funny)...
Best mexican food ever - Carlos Santana's "Maria Maria"...
Biore strips, a board game, old movies, old photos...
Sleeping together is never a dull moment... someone's very articulate sleep talking, house alarm at 4am with multiple phone calls and a visit from the police, waking up engulfed in your deflated air mattress... things like that.
We ended the weekend with mimosas, morning jacuzzi, a long walk around the reservoir, and more stories added to our friendship. I love each of you so much!

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