Monday, December 05, 2011


For Halloween, Wally wanted to be seaweed. Skyler wanted to be Buzz Lightyear, but at the last minute decided to be a fairy.
Charlie was a shark.
The fairy kept having to go potty.
We picked out some pumpkins. But only took the middle one home (Charlie) because the rest were too expensive!
Then we went to Mariner's Church for their Harvest Festival. So fun...
Skye, Wally and their best neighbor friend, Emi.
Sorting and trading candy took a good amount of time. And they didn't even notice that most of the chocolate was missing the next morning.
After Halloween is a whirlwind of our favorite things: our Anniversary, Thanksgiving, Rian's birthday, Christmas and then my birthday. Such a fun 6 weeks!! Here we are celebrating 9 years on a lunch date.

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