Thursday, February 21, 2008

The week ends

A good week. Balboa Island, some shopping, play day with my Nurture group, breakfast with Lara at the Filling Station, good times at the Hilmerson's new loft with J and Liv, Life Group tonight... another good week. And a messy week. Tuesday and Thursday mornings I woke up to screaming and found Wallace had peed through his diaper, pjs, and sheet. Not very fun to be laying in that. Clearly time to switch to nighttime diapers. Wednesday morning, Wallace threw up on me. Down my shirt, into my belly button. We've switched to a new feeding routine and apparently it didn't agree with his tummy so early in the morning. Always excitement in this household.

Wallace is getting the hang of holding things. He loves drinking. Mostly wine. Actually, just milk, sometimes water.

He's also changed up his belly time with some balancing acts looking a little like crawling. He's got a ways to go... I hope. I'm not ready to be chasing him all over town. It's really fun to see him grow and transition into new stages.


Monique said...

what day do you go to nurture? one of my friends goes on wed. and i'd love for you to meet her. they go to RH also.

Monique said...

she actually goes on wednesdays. i know she doesn't work in the nursery. i'll have to have you two over soon so you can meet.